ASD organized the National Grantee Meeting from 25-28 March 2014 at Lalitpur to revisit the work of all the partners in the previous year and develop strategies and activities for this year. The changing socio-political context of the country in terms of promoting open society and democratic values served as the foundation for the strategy and subsequent activities. 22 organizations from across the country working on the core issues of human rights, media, education and women’s rights participated in the meeting. During the program, ASD shared about the changing times and context in the Open Society Foundations and the importance of acknowledging the role and responsibilities of the ambassadors of democracy and human rights.
Besides, the importance to reflect upon one’s organization, its growth and the path it has traversed over the years was highlighted as an integral part of growth for the organizations.The meeting also focused on revisiting the work of the grantees’ network on the issue of election process observation. Based on the experience and learning from the election observation the previous year, the discussion focused on the need to work for establishment of periodic election as a regular phenomenon to establish democracy and stability in the country. On this ground, the meeting also developed its working strategy within the broader framework of ‘Political Integrity & Accountability’. A detailed plan of action was finalized to achieve the objectives set out within this framework.In addition to this, the grantees further discussed within their thematic programs and prioritized their common agendas within each theme and developed action plan to formulate and implement the activities.