CA Related Papers
Judicial Independence and Impartiality in Europe: Lessons for Nepal
Prof Steven Greer, Professor Steven Greer, School of Law, University of Bristol, UK
Transparency Institutions under the New Constitution
Satya Arinanto, Professor of Constitutional Law; Chairman, Centre for the Study of Constitutional Law; and Chairman, Postgraduate Program in Constitutional and Administrative Law Faculty of Law University of Indonesia
Aspects of International Law in Devising a Constitution
Paul Flodman
Strategies of Preservation of National Interest
Jiunn-rong Yeh, Professor of Law, National Taiwan University
The Draft(ing) Constitution: What do Nepali women want
Jill Cottrell
Constitutional Review in Nepal: Principle and Compromise
Jie Cheng, Tsinghua University Law School
Cheryl Saunders, Australia
Place of minorities and indigenous communities in Nepal
Yash Ghai
“Managing Protection of Human Rights in Transition”
John Pace, Visiting Fellow, University of New South Wales
Integration of Combatants, Democratization of the Army and New Constitutionalism in Nepal
Menaka Guruswamy
Enforceability of Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Vince Calderhead; International Commission of Jurists-Nepal Country Director
Natural Resources, Economic Rights and Revenue Allocation
Dr. Alexander Wegener
Constitution of Finland and prospects of the Rule of Law – implications for Nepal
Dr. Pekka Hallberg, President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
Presidential and Parliamentary Models: some issues for Nepal
Bob Rae
Hashim Tewfik (Ph.D), Institute of Federalism, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Aspects of Social Justice: Lessons from India
Purushottam S. Kulkarni, Professor and Advocate, India